Inter-School Spelling Bee Contest


The first inter-school primary Spelling Bee contest between Ecole du Nord,  Northfields and Martin’Ecole was held on Thursday 1 June.

A total of 27 students participated in the event.  The competition was tough as our students were participating against several native speakers, however their performance was outstanding!

The floating trophy was won by Northfields this year.  We are looking forward to next year’s Spelling Bee Contest which will give us the opportunity to excel once again.

Ecole du Nord wishes to thank the following students for accepting to represent the school on the evening.

Lana Mestre

Megan Pesic

 Shae Nundlall

Julie Frappier

Tristan Wong Ng

Maariyaa Woozeer

Mégane Kwan Tat

Bhavesh Damry

Mariyah Hosenbocus

Tayana Appanah

Congratulations once again to the participants!