APP cinéma CE1 C

APP Cinéma – Classe de CE1 C

Dans le cadre de l’Education aux médias et à l’information et de l’Action Pédagogique Pilote « L’Ecole du Nord fait son cinéma », les élèves de la classe d’anglais de CE1 C de Mme Sonia NARRAINEN et Mme Neha GOODARY Enseignante d’anglais, vous invitent à découvrir le tournage de leur court métrage.

Camille’s surprise

The students of CE1 C had the opportunity to make a short film in English with David Constantin. The film is about a little girl carrying a basket of fruits through the jungle for her friend’s birthday. On her journey, many animals come and take the delicious fruits.

The students of CE1C brought many fresh fruits which we can see in the movie. They were dressed up as different animals and also fruit sellers. Everyone participated very happily. They also learnt to use a camera as well as a microphone to film.

It was an amazing learning and fun experience for the CE1C.

Quelques photos du tournage