2020 Plurilinguisme

  • Black Lives Matter

    Students from our 3eme International Section have been researching and giving presentations on the topic of Black Lives Matter. This is part of their literature module on Prejudice and Discrimination.

  • The city of your dreams

    The world, as it is presented to us today, faces many challenges. Effects of climate change are being felt everywhere and in all societies. In line with the chapter ‘THE CITY OF YOUR DREAMS’, students were brought…

  • Des poèmes acrostiches

    Les élèves du groupe d’anglais de 4è de Mme Mahabirsingh ont écrit des poèmes acrostiches dont le thème était l’environnement dans le cadre de l’EPI “Eco-lodge” et suite à l’étude du chapitre de leur manuel “Be The…


    The job interview is probably the most important step we will take in our job search journey.   We learnt how to understand a job ad. ” Am I the person fitting the job description ? ”…