AEN – Ecole du Nord Association

The Association Ecole du Nord (AEN) is the organization in charge of the administrative and financial management of the school. The AEN sets the annual budget, employs teaching and non-teaching staff under local law, and decides on major strategic operations in close collaboration with the management team. 

The AEN acts as a collegial body in the interest of the various stakeholders, and serves all parents by ensuring the long-term success of Ecole du Nord and, through its representatives, Lycee des Mascareignes, of which it is the co-founder along with Ecole du Centre. The AEN ensures the educational, academic and personal success of students from pre-primary to high school. 

Welcome to Ecole du Nord

The Office of the Management Board

The AEN Management Board is made up of 12 parents elected from AEN members. These are chosen by vote at the Annual General Meeting, taking into account the specificities of the school. The Management Board sets up specialized committees necessary for the proper accomplishment of its mission. Each year, it also appoints its representatives to the Management Board of Lycee des Mascareignes. 

Responsibilities of the members of the Management Board and Committees 

The Committees prepare the decisions to be made by the AEN Board. Along with the management team, they assess the files in progress and propose solutions in areas falling under the responsibility of the AEN. They are made up of volunteer parents whose expertise is invaluable (architects, chartered accountants, lawyers, HR managers, executives and business leaders, etc). The EDN management has two votes in the AEN Board. Similarly, the AEN has two consultative votes in the school’s governing board.  

  • Buildings & Maintenance Committee: real estate investments, maintenance, quality control, tenders; M. Dominique CURE, M. Nicolas HARDY, M. Jean Michel COLIN, M. Fabien JEANNE, Mme. Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL
  • Good Governance Committee: short, medium and long term strategies; M. Fabien GEBERT, M. Christophe CARIOU, M. Nicolas HARDY, M. Fabien JEANNE, Mme. Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL, Mme. Sandra ROGERS
  • Finance Committee: budgets, financial accounts, investment plans; M. Fabien JEANNE, M. Nicolas HARDY, M. Jean Michel COLIN, Mme. Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL
  • Human Resources Committee: recruitment, careers, salary scales, etc; Mme Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL, Mme. Sandra ROGERS, Mme. Béatrice HART DE KEATING, Mme. Nazmeera KHALFE MOHUNGOO, M. Fabien GEBERT, M. Nicolas HARDY, Mme. Nathalie EDDE SARKIS
  • “Dialogue Social” Committee: discussions on salary prospects and working conditions. M. Fabien GEBERT, Mme. Sandra ROGERS
  • Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions Committee: preventative and educational actions that inform the schooling of pupils from pre-primary to 3eme (Year 10) M. Dominique CURE, Mme. Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL
  • Governing Board: Decision-making regarding all matters related to the educational, pedagogical, and material life of the institution. The representatives of the AEN in this body are Mr. Fabien GEBERT and Mrs. Delphine ESPITALIER-NOEL. They are invited in an advisory capacity.

AEN members are also appointed to participate in different working groups: the Ecole du Nord Yearbook and communication, TICE Committee, setting up of the International Section, the uniforms, AES, etc. 

CommitteePerson in charge
CommunicationMme. Jennifer AMATO
M. Fabien GEBERT
Bien EtreMme. Nathalie EDDE SARKIS
Mme. Jennifer AMATO
M. Fabien GEBERT
Mme. Sandra ROGERS
Family servicesMme. Sandra ROGERS

Contact the Association Ecole du Nord  (AEN)