5° 2019-2020
Continuité éducative – Interview
The 5eme SI students had the great opportunity to interview famous children’s author, Sinead O’Hart, who answered questions about her writing career and gave us advice on how to become an author.
Continuité éducative – Biodiversité
Ce 22 mai a eu lieu la Journée Mondiale de la Biodiversité. Les élèves de 6e et 5e ont profité du confinement pour allier Art et Découverte de la Nature et de la Biodiversité en se baladant…
Continuité éducative – Impact of Covid-19
Today the 5eme International Section had the opportunity to speak to life coach and entrepreneur, Sophie Le Brozec, who offered excellent advice for working from home and dealing with the personal impact of Covid-19
Continuité éducative – Global Business
5eme International Section have been interviewing people from around the world and writing newspaper articles as part of their project on Global Business.
Continuité éducative – My Food Truck
5emes have been working on a project lately, “My Food Truck” and they came up with lovely drawings, which might be useful for your regular issuing.