COP21 Global Warming
Our classes, the CM2 of Ecole du Nord, worked on Global Warming this year from September to October 2015 during our EMILE classes.
We worked on this topic to know it better as we are all concerned about it. And we had to know how we can help our planet.
Here’s a summary:
First we did a brainstorming on the words “global” and “Warming” and by the end of the lesson we concluded that the 2 words together mean “The Earth is becoming hotter and hotter”.
Through the following sessions, in 3 phases: research, discovering and learning, we gathered that:
- The “blanket” of greenhouse gases composed of N2O, CH4, CO2 which protects our planet from the heat during the day and the cold at night is becoming thicker and thicker. This puts our planet in danger as more heat stays around the Earth, they can’t escape into the space.
- This process is caused by human activities and their way of living like: their vehicles, factories using greenhouse and fossil fuel, CFC, deforestation, oil and petrol engines…
- All these emit CO2 that goes in the blanket of greenhouse gases and makes it thicker and thicker hence reducing the amount of heat which should go into the space.
The effects around the planet are:
- Surface temperature rising, leading to climate changes: extreme weather: heatwaves, floods, huge cyclones, storms…
- Melting of ice
- Sea level rising
- Food security in danger
- Animals in danger
- Health problems around the globe
Below some of our final task: our project work
Let’s shout out to all the children: “No more pollution!”
We can:
We are all concerned. We need to slow down Global Warming.
So follow us in our day to day routine make a move for our planet.
Article by: Miss PERDREAU
Written by : Emma (CM2 D), Kamil (CM2 D), Kim (CM2 C), Léna (CM2 C), Romane (CM2C) & Zoe (CM2 C) – For all the CM2