Modern languages
German or Spanish, and the Latin option in college
5°, 4°, 3°: the choice is made before starting 5° between German and Spanish as a second language (3 hours from 5° to 3°). Articles : Ecrire un conte de fées en allemand, Mein bester Freund / Meine beste Freundin, S’amuser et apprendre en Espagnol, « Global Village »
5°, 4°, 3°: Students may also choose to enrol for the Latin option (2 hours from 5° to 3°).
Articles : Les latins étudient et exposent
While at the Lycée des Mascareignes, pupils of Ecole du Nord have the opportunity to take certifications in one or more modern languages: English, Spanish and German.
DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) Cervantes
The Lycée des Mascareignes has been a DELE examination centre since 2017. The DELE is an official diploma, issued by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education, attesting to the level of competence and mastery of the Spanish language. It is recognized internationally and is even requested by some employers or at some universities. This diploma is open to students from the 4th.
KMK certification
The KMK certification (Kultusministerfkonferenz) is an exam which certifies a level of German language skills recognized throughout Europe. Since 2015, the Lycée des Mascareignes has become a “Pasch-Schule” and is part of a network of around 1,800 schools around the world that promote learning German. Since March 2016, all German students in the Seconde class can take the A2 certification. They also have the opportunity to take the A2 / B1 exams in order to obtain the DSD I diploma (Deutsches Sprachdiplom I). These exams are organized by the Central Agency for German Establishments Abroad (ZfA) and the Federal Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt).